What is Islam? A complete Guide
Islam is to surrender to Allah with (Tawheed) submit to Him with obedience, and free oneself from Shirk (polytheism) and its people.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established the monotheistic religion of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula in the seventh century. Muslims believe that Islam is the final and complete revelation of Allah’s message to humanity, as conveyed through the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and recorded in the holy book, the Quran.
- Islam religion is based on five pillars: the declaration of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), charity (zakat), fasting during the month of Ramadan (sawm), and pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj). Muslims believe in the oneness of God (Allah), the angels, the prophets, the holy books, and the Day of Judgment when all people will be held accountable for their deeds.
- Islam has a rich cultural and intellectual tradition, with contributions in fields such as philosophy, art, science, and literature. Muslims are a diverse group of people who come from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds and are found all over the world.
One of the central beliefs in Islam is the concept of Tawheed, which is the belief in the oneness of God and the rejection of any form of idolatry or polytheism. Muslims believe that God is the only deity and that all worship should be directed towards Him alone.
If you like to learn more about Islam you may check the Islamic Studies course by Hamil Alquran Academy
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is considered the last and final prophet of Islam, and his teachings and actions are recorded in the Quran and the Hadith (the collection of his sayings and actions). Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of God and that it provides guidance for all aspects of life.
What is the meaning of la ilaha illa Allah?
la Ilaha illa Allah is there is no one worthy of worship except Allah. The conditions of la ilaha illa Allah are seven 7:
- Knowledge
- certainty
- Acceptance
- Submission
- Truthfulness
- Sincerity
- Love
What are the five pillars of Islam?
The five pillars of Islam are 5 and they are the foundation of Islam.
- The declaration of faith (Shahada), is the belief that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger(PBUH).
- Prayer, (salah), is performed five times a day and involves facing toward the Kabbah in Mecca
- Charity (zakat), involves giving a percentage of one’s wealth to those in need.
- Fasting during the month of Ramadan, (sawm), involves abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs during daylight hours.
- A pilgrimage to Mecca, (hajj), is a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for those who are physically and financially able to make the journey.
In addition to these pillars, there are the six pillars of Faith and other beliefs that make up Islam’s religion, such as the importance of marriage and community, the emphasis on repentance, and the belief in life after death.
Is Islam a monotheistic religion?
monotheism is the belief in the existence of one supreme deity or god. monotheism is in contrast to polytheistic religions, which believe in the existence of multiple gods and goddesses.
The belief in a single god is a central doctrine of Islam religion and this belief has played a significant role in shaping Muslims’ values, and practices.
Who is the prophet of Islam?
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is considered the final prophet of Islam and He delivered Allah’s message to people through the Holy Quran. He was born in Mecca in 570 CE and spent much of his early life as a merchant. At the age of 40, he received his first revelation from Allah while meditating in a cave outside of Mecca, and this marked the beginning of his prophecy.
All the teachings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad are preserved in the Hadith (Sunnah) books, which serve as a guide for Muslims in their daily lives.
And because prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a human, not an angel, his life provides Muslims with guidance on a wide range of topics, including religious practices, social behavior, ethics, and personal conduct. It is considered to be a primary source of Islamic law, along with the Holy Quran.
Prophet Muhammad’s teachings and actions are recorded in the Quran and the Hadith, which guide Muslim beliefs and practices. He is a role model for humanity because of his excellent character and behavior, his life serves as an example for Muslims to follow. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established an Islamic-based community in Medina. He spread Islam throughout Arabia.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away in 632 CE in Medina, but his teachings and practices are still influenced by him today. His message (PBUH) of compassion, and justice, continues to inspire people of all faiths. Muslims honor his life and teachings via a variety of religious and cultural rituals.
Is Islam mentioned in the words of Allah (The Holy Quran)?
Yes, Islam is mentioned in the Quran as the final and complete revelation of Allah’s message to humanity.
Allah says:
“..the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam”
Surah Al-Imran:19
The word “Islam” itself means “submission to God” and the Quran instructs believers to submit to God in many verses of the Quran and also to follow His guidance.
“Follow, [O mankind], what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other than Him any allies. Little do you remember.”
Surah Al-Araf:3
The Quran teaches that Islam is not a new religion, but rather a “completed” or “continuation” religion of the previous messages that were conveyed by the earlier prophets, such as Ibrahim, Moses, and Jesus.
The ultimate goal of believers is to go to Jannah’s “Paradise”
The path to Jannah is to follow the guidance of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and His Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Muslims believe that the most important thing in attaining Jannah is to have faith in the oneness of God and to worship Him alone.
Muslims seek forgiveness all the time for the one’s sins and mistakes. Repentance involves acknowledging one’s faults, repenting sincerely, and seeking forgiveness from Allah and those who have been wronged.
Muslims trust in Allah’s mercy and grace that will allow believers to enter Jannah InshaAllah!