There is no doubt that what the human believes reflects in his deeds. That’s why ethics can be defined as the stable state that produces naturally good or bad actions without slowing down to decide what to do. So that the people who find problems in their morals must have a problem with what they genuinely believe in. And one’s faith completes when morals are the best. As the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said,
“The most perfect man in his faith among the believers is the one whose behaviour is most excellent”.
So, once you find yourself having terrible morals or acting inappropriately, you must deduce that you have a problem inside your heart and what you hold in it. Beautiful words and promises can be easily said, but they will be nothing when your faith is corrupted and this will be followed by unacceptable deeds.
In this Article
Examples of the link between ethical implications and Fiqh.
As Ibn Elqaim said, “Working without sincere devotion or taking someone as a role model is like a traveler who fills his bag with sand that burdens him and won’t benefit him at all”.
The relationship between morals and Islamic laws has great importance. Many scholars had many debates about which one of them influences the other. The final aim of Fiqh is not to elaborate on the ways of worshipping Allah in the right way, but its main objective is to demonstrate the high purpose of its value behind these practices and there are many examples to explain this clearly:
Fasting Ethical Implications of Fiqh
In fasting, gossip and lying are prohibited to keep the true meaning of it, which is purifying the soul, motivating it to continually do what is good and distance it from what is bad, which is considered as a practice of the correct manners that the Muslim should follow as long as he is alive. The Prophet PBUH said,
“If one does not eschew lies and false conduct, Allah has no need that he should abstain from his food and his drink.”
Additionally, almsgiving has many meaningful rules. For instance, to hurry up when someone needs him giving him what he needs to please his heart, and intends to encourage people when he shows his givings. It purifies the one’s self from greediness and prevents him from worshipping money, which is two of the most dangerous diseases that can draw the soul back, that’s why Allah says,
“Take, [O Muḥammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase, and invoke [Allāh’s blessings] upon them”.
To note how awful these diseases are, the Prophet PBUH said,
“May he be miserable, the worshipper of the dinar and dirham, and the worshipper of the striped silk cloak. If he is given anything, he is satisfied; but if not, he is unsatisfied”.
And when the Messenger of Allah PBUH departed during the Farewell Pilgrimage in a tranquil manner, he urged his companions to be tranquil. He also directed them to behave morally saying,
“Whoever performs Hajj (pilgrimage) and does not have sexual relations (with his wife), nor commits sin, nor disputes unjustly (during Hajj), then he returns from Hajj as pure and free from sins as on the day on which his mother gave birth to him”.
And when the Prophet was told about the woman who prays in the night, but as soon as the sun rises, she harms her neighbors with her tongue, he (PBUH) said that “She is in Hell”, because he believed that the effect of the prayer didn’t reach her heart or purify it from the inferior morals, which is the final objective of the prayer.
The link between ethical implications and Sharia.
The morals weren’t mentioned directly in the Sharia although the moral system and values came out from verses of the Qur’an no matter its different topics. Since its main aim is to do good deeds only for the sake of God, not merely to meet any moral objective. And high moral standards are a necessary condition for prayers to be accepted by God.
Indeed, the acts of worship that had been legalized and considered an essential part of being a true believer are not mysterious rituals that connect humans to the unknown and burden them with meaningless moves. Absolutely not, as these practices had come to accustom him to live a morally perfect life and to hold on to them whatsoever life changes and forced him to change himself with it.
How to acquire these ethics?
Practice is needed if you want to accomplish all these manners, even if you will do it with exertion at first because it will be hard not to follow your desires and whims. This can happen whatever time it will take.
This new habit will dive deeper into your soul to the degree that it will be a lovable thing to do, and it will turn out to be a nature even though it doesn’t exist in the first place. Since the Messenger of Allah, PBUH said,
“Knowledge is only by learning, and patience is only by exerting oneself to be patient, and whoever strives earnestly to find the good, will be given it, and whoever strives earnestly to avoid evil, will be protected from it”.
“Nothing will be heavier on the Day of Resurrection in the Scale of the believer than good manners. Allah hates one who utters foul or coarse language”.
-Quran, Tajweed, Arabic foundation and Islamic Studies tutor.
-over 7 years’ experience of teaching.
-has an Ijazah inqira'at Hafs an Assem.
-bachleor of Islamic Da'wa Al-Azhar University with the highest degree.
-Languages: Arabic, English and French.
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