Women have important roles and responsibilities in society in Islam, just as men do. Islam shows us that there are some differences in the roles and responsibilities of men and women, Islam also emphasizes the importance of treating both genders …
Islamic principles of parenting are grounded in the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). Islamic principles of parenting are important for Muslim parents who want to raise …
In Islam, social justice is a central concept that emphasizes the need to establish a fair and equitable society, where all individuals have access to basic rights and opportunities. The Holy Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) …
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Subhanallah’ and wondered what it means? In Islam, this powerful Arabic term holds deep significance and is often used in both religious and everyday contexts. Derived from the words ‘Subhan’ meaning ‘glory,’ and ‘Allah’ …
Prayers for guidance in decision-making, Dua Istikhara may be the answer you’re looking for. This powerful supplication, rooted in Islamic tradition, allows individuals to seek Allah’s guidance when making important life choices. Dua Istikhara is a prayer that Muslims recite …
Understanding the pillars of iman in Islam is essential. These pillars serve as the bedrock upon which the beliefs of a Muslim are built. They encompass fundamental concepts that shape one’s relationship with Allah and provide guidance for leading a …
Look no further than Islamic quotes about life. Rooted in the teachings of the Quran and the examples set by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), these quotes offer profound insights into love, compassion, perseverance, gratitude, forgiveness, trust, kindness, knowledge-seeking, …
Inshallah, meaning ‘if Allah wills’ in Arabic, holds significant cultural and religious importance within the Islamic faith. Its linguistic origins date back to the Quran and have since become deeply embedded in everyday language among Muslims worldwide. Understanding the context …
Tafsir, or Quranic interpretation, plays an important role in the daily lives of Muslims. It provides a better understanding of the Holy Quran. Tafsir helps Muslims to better understand the meaning and message of the Quranic verses. By studying tafsir, …
In the Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) says that He sent a number of prophets to guide humanity and convey His message. These prophets are revered and respected in Islamic tradition, and their teachings and examples are considered essential for Muslim …