12 Effective Ways to Memorize the Arabic Alphabet Tips and Tricks
The Arabic alphabet is the alphabet in which the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet were written. It is the basis of the Arabic language, it relies on writing on the pattern of connected letters to form one word, and the Arabic alphabet consists of twenty-eight letters.
Learning the alphabet is one of the important foundations on which a person relies for learning to read and write Arabic later on. Therefore, care must be taken to learn and master the Arabic alphabet, as it is considered the first step in learning the Arabic language. And here we are always trying to help you, so we did our comprehensive research on how to learn the Arabic alphabet and we have collected the Effective Ways to Memorize the Arabic Alphabet Tips and Tricks that will help you learn the Arabic alphabet and master it in the coming lines, so follow along with us. And you can easily learn them by joining the Arabic language foundation and basis through the learn Noorani Qaida online course classes at home.
Definition of the Arabic Alphabet
The Arabic alphabet is a set of letters written from right to left used to express several Asian and African languages, the basic one of which is the Arabic language, and other languages. The Arabic alphabet ranks second in global alphabet usage after the Latin alphabet.
Many languages were affected by the Arabic alphabet as a result of the spread of Islam, such as the Amazigh language, Urdu, Ottoman, Persian, Turkish, Kurdish, Albanian, Indonesian, Malay, and Hausa.
The Arabic alphabet consists of twenty-eight letters, which are raised according to two systems. Abjadiyah order system, alphabetical order. The Alabjadayah order classifies the Arabic letters according to historical origins. Where the letters of the alphabet were divided into Semitic and Arabic letters,
the Semitic are twenty-two letters, which are:
أ ب ج د هـ و ز ح ط ي ك ل م ن س ع ف ص ق ر ش ت.
Arabic letters and they are six letters:
ث خ ذ ض ظ غ.
It is named in Alabjadayah order relative to its first letter abjad, and the words of the letters in the alphabetical order were collected into the following words:
أبْجَدْ، هَوَّزْ، حطِّي ،كَلَمُنْ، سَعْفَصْ، قَرَشَتْ، ثَخَذْ، ضَظَغْ.
As for the alphabetical arrangement, it relied on the arrangement of the letters of the alphabet, depending on the shape of the letters when they were drawn, as the likes and isotopes were collected together. They were brought up with this arrangement in the year 90 AH / 708 AD, when al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi, the linguist, assigned Nasr bin Asim al-Laithi to arrange the Arabic letters in this way.
This arrangement has spread and has become common, as this arrangement has been adopted in well-known dictionaries, indexes, appendices, compilations, and research. On its basis, the researcher relies when mentioning his sources (the name of the author and the title of his book), topics, authors, verses, hadiths, flags, rhymes, terms, countries, proverbs, and everything that needs indexes using alphabetical order.
The phonetic movements that are drawn over the letters, such as al-Fatha, Dammah, Kasra, and Tanween, are considered part of this alphabet. The lines for drawing Arabic letters vary, for example, they are written in Naskh, Ruq’ah, Thuluth, Andalusi, Kufic, Al-Sini, or Hijazi.
1- Analysis of the Letters to Understand and Memorize the Arabic Alphabet
The analysis of the Arabic alphabet helps to take a big step in learning it. The Arabic alphabet is not difficult, on the contrary, some believe that it is one of the easiest alphabets. As we mentioned above, when we are talking about the methods of arranging the Arabic alphabet, it is raised in the alphabet system based on the collection of similar letters each other. By following the same method of analyzing the Arabic alphabet extracting similar letters and combining them, it will be very easy. As soon as you learn to write a letter from this similar group, you will know how to write the remaining letters of the similar group automatically. The advantage here is that most of the Arabic alphabet is similar, so you often find one or two similarities to the letter. It may only be limited to a few letters that have no similarities. Below is a preliminary breakdown of similar letters.
(ب، ت، ث) (ج، ح، خ) (د، ذ) (ر، ز) (س، ش) (ص، ض) (ط، ظ) (ع، غ) (ف، ق) أ، ك، ل، م، ن، هـ، و، ي.
2- Repetition Techniques
After reading the letters of the alphabet and recognizing the shape of the individual letters
(أ ب،ت ،ث ،ج، ح). and Recognizing the shape of the letters connected (تـ , ثـ , جـ , حـ).
Then compare single letters with connected letters and Identify the sounds made by each letter. It must be repeated several times so that you can understand and memorize it well and stick it in your mind to write it down later.
3- Mnemonic Devices
Surely you may forget some letters or their sounds while learning the Arabic alphabet. But do not be discouraged, this is a normal thing that happens to most people. But you can overcome that with different tricks that mnemonic devices can help you to remember anything while learning the Arabic alphabet.
There are several types of mnemonic devices and the most common types of mnemonic devices are the following five types: acronyms, syllables, structure, fragmentation, location method, songs, and rhymes. We cannot talk about each of them in detail now, but we will show you the types of mnemonic devices that will help you while learning the Arabic alphabet.
This type of memory device refers to the division of information into small parts. The most famous example of this system is dividing phone numbers and social security numbers into two or three parts to make them easier to memorize.
Research from 2021 indicates that segmentation may be among the functions of long-term memory, so it is good to take advantage of the long-term memory function, as it helps to retain information for a long time.
Therefore, by applying this to learning the Arabic alphabet, you can divide the letters into groups to make it easier for you to memorize them.
4- Songs and rhymes
Songs and rhymes are some of the most effective memory tools not only for kids but also for adults. Most children and adults can be taught to remember the entire Arabic alphabet 28 random letters in a row while reciting it in a simple tone. Singing aids many types of learning. Researchers showed that you can memorize a language that is foreign to your own more easily when you put it into songs.
5- Visualization Techniques
We now live in a digital world full of information that comes to our minds constantly. Your mind gets a huge amount of information almost every second. Therefore, a kind of confusion may occur, as the mind cannot differentiate between information that is important to a person, whether in his work, studies, or relationship, and other transient information that does not concern him.
If you are doing something, let it be learning the Arabic alphabet, and you are facing some difficulties, you can use visualization techniques to motivate you to focus on your ideal future state that results from learning the Arabic alphabet, and then work hard to achieve it. Therefore, there must be a clear vision and define your goals to benefit more from motivational visualization techniques.
Visualization is a form of mental training that helps you put your best foot forward. Visualization techniques can also reduce your anxiety and direct your attention only to the details of the desired outcome.
6- Memorization Games
Working memory is the one that can be relied upon when you need to quickly recall pieces of information such as phone numbers. but it can only contain a few pieces of information and only for a very short period. But you can practice remembering things for longer by associating new information with information you already have and connecting it to long-term memory where you can store more information for a longer time. Four memory games help you improve your memory such as
- The Story Method
- “Blind” Jigsaw Puzzles
- Trivia Quizzes
- And Pexeso (Matching Pairs).
7- Writing Exercises
You should do writing exercises to get used to the way each letter is drawn in order to fix its shape in your brain, as writing the information helps to fix it more in memory and will help you to read and write the alphabet easily in a short time.
8- Use Flashcards
Flashcards will also be a good way to make it easier for you to learn and memorize the Arabic alphabet. You can use a set of cards that contain letters and the most important words and symbols that they contain. Which will make learning the Arabic alphabet fun and fast and increase its effectiveness. You can use paper flashcards or those available online through educational applications that result in designing flashcards.
9- Audio Recordings
You can use recordings of the pronunciation of the Arabic alphabet to listen to them at any time in order to make it easier for you to memorize them. There are many applications and YouTube channels that you can also take advantage of to learn and memorize the Arabic alphabet.
10- Word Association Exercises
Word association exercises are a way for you to associate words with each other to help learn and remember words. Where these exercises help in learning foreign languages through the association of words with each other. This technique has been studied in psychology, linguistics, and psycholinguistics. Experiments using this technique using a wide range of word association techniques have resulted in improving students’ mastery of the foreign language they are learning.
11- Group Learning Strategie
Learning in groups is an educational approach that helps improve the efficiency of the educational process as it enhances interaction and competition among students and increases responsibility toward studying. You can get a wonderful interactive learning environment by joining the Hamil Al Quran Academy to learn the Holy Quran and the best online Arabic courses and classes. Where the Arabic language is taught by a group of the most skilled native Arabic tutors who graduated from major universities, such as Al-Azhar University in Cairo and the Islamic University in Medina. You will also be able to enjoy interactive educational sessions, all live, so that you can communicate more with your teacher.
Do not worry, you can register with them from now, whatever your level, as there are educational courses suitable for all students, from the beginner level and children to the elderly and professionals.
You can get a free trial now to have a real practical experience in which you will discover more about the Hamil Al Quran courses for teaching the Arabic language.
12- Mind Mapping Practices
Mind maps are a technique used to help memorize information and devise solutions to problems. A diagram is created for you to put your ideas in and visually organize them. Mind maps are also known as spider diagrams. It embodies the central theme and surrounds it with branches of ideas and related sub-topics. You can make a mind map of what you have learned about the letters in the Arabic alphabet, by placing the letter as a central point and then subtracting from it the most important information related to it, such as its pronunciation, shape, and others.
Benefits of The Arabic Alphabet Memorization
The Arabic alphabet is the basis of the Arabic language, so learning and memorizing it well will serve as a strong foundation after which you can complete the rest of the levels of learning the Arabic language. Do not worry, just take it seriously and you will find yourself teaching you the Arabic alphabet and memorizing it easily, God willing.
Troubleshooting Memory Issues
The techniques that we talked about in the previous lines will help you overcome any problems related to learning and memorizing the Arabic letters, God willing. You should not work with all these techniques but rather choose some of them that are suitable for you and try to employ them appropriately while learning the Arabic alphabet, and you will find it easy, God willing.
In this article, we discussed the topic of Effective Ways to Memorize the Arabic Alphabet Tips and Tricks. We defined the Arabic alphabet. we also offered the most important tips and tricks about learning the Arabic alphabet, such as Analysis of the Letters, Repetition Techniques, Mnemonic Devices, Visualization Techniques, Memorization Games,
Writing Exercises, Use of Flashcards, Audio Recordings, Word Association Exercises, Group Learning Strategies, and Mind Mapping Practices. We hope you have great benefit from our words, God willing.